From an Email dated 9/23/2013
Last week was a good week... I went on exchanges with one of the Zone Leaders his name is Elder Cramer and he is an awesome guy. We found this guy Adrian who seemed so solid and like he was looking for guidance and answers. While we were talking we committed him to be baptized and he said that he would (this was Friday). We then invited him to a church tour for Saturday but he didnt show =(. We also met this gal Cayman (mid to late 20's) who is awesome and said that if she came to know that its true she would be baptized but she is a professional singer and theater performer so she is busy =/ we tried to go see her again but they had company and were about to leave. Her husband is jewish his name is Gavriel who i thought would be a problem but he seems like a super nice guy and welcomed us back anytime. So im super excited to help Cayman and her family come to know the gospel. '
Lets see what else? We met this guy Mark during "Super Secret Sacred Finding Time"...its not really called that but thats what i call it. He seems super humble and is looking to strengthen his personal relationship with God and doesnt really like organized religion. Long story short he decided to accept our invite to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. So i cant wait to go see him again. Yeah thats about it. Hope you are all doing well. I love you all...
Hi Will ~ so glad you're enjoying your mission. Sounds lilke you're having fun and some interesting experiences. Miss you at Sunday dinner. Love you and pray for you often.